Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy 1st Angelversary!

What a beautiful Day! The sun was shining, a stark contrast to this day last year. My Mom, Audrey and I went out to eat at an awesome Mexican Grill to celebrate Shaniel's Angelversary. No tears here. There is no need to re-live that day and what happened. We celebrated Shaniel's life. She was happy and always full of life, so that is how we spent our day. What a wonderful day. We have been blessed beyond measure over the past year. I am grateful for all that I have learned over the past year and how much my testimony has grown, particularly with the Atonement of Christ, God's love for each of us, the power of forgiveness and Eternal families.

Happy 1st Angelversary Shaniel!



  1. I love that...angelversery!! I am finding it hard to come up with the right words...but as this day passes let the sunshine say it all! Hugs to you all!
